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A1024 1 HON 1987 #2
Victor Scales
solo piano; selected hymns from Hymns Old and New 1987 edition

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Total Length: <71:52:10>
Collection Track Track Length HON 1987 Number Title First line Chorus ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████
1 1 <01:39:44> 228 Moments of Blessing Rich are the moments of blessing Ever He walketh beside me
2 2 <01:56:17> 230 Lord, in Our Need Lord, in our need we come to Thee Speak, Lord, for we would hear
3 3 <01:32:46> 240 We Thank Thee, Lord, for Weary Days We thank Thee, Lord, for weary days
4 4 <02:16:39> 245 Songs of Zion Sing to me the songs of Zion
5 5 <01:56:66> 251 O Don’t Be Led Captive O don’t be led captive from Zion to roam O don’t be led captive by friend or by foe
6 6 <02:21:30> 253 I’m Satisfied in Jesus Now I’m satisfied in Jesus now Oh! Fellowship supremely sweet
7 7 <01:26:11> 256 Speak, Lord Speak, Lord, in the stillness
8 8 <01:01:30> 260 Dear Lord, When Dark Dear Lord, when dar and stormy seems our way
9 9 <01:01:00> 266 Oh, for a Closer Walk Oh, for a closer walk with god
10 10 <01:37:01> 271 I Know Not Why I know not why God’s wonderous grace
11 11 <01:30:46> 272 There Hath Not Failed There hath not failed on word all God promised
12 12 <01:19:33> 276 Precious Thought Precious thought, my Father knoweth
13 13 <01:48:12> 284 I Never Can Forget I never can forget the day I never can for the day I hear the Saviour kindly say
14 14 <02:13:37> 286 An Offering I Would Bring Dear Lord, an offering I would bring Accept, I pray
15 15 <01:25:47> 289 Thou Thinkest, Lord, of Me Amid the trails which I meet
16 16 <01:03:16> 290 All the Way I will travel on with Jesus All the way! All the way !
17 17 <01:51:74> 309 How Fresh and Green How fresh and green the pastures fair The Shepherd and the sheep rejoice
18 18 <02:17:01> 313 Where Allis Peaceful Where all is peaceful, calm and still How sweet is the rest of God
19 19 <02:15:10> 321 Hearts It Is the World Requires Hearts it is the world requires Hearts that life on high the banner
20 20 <01:29:10> 324 Live for Others Live for others day be day Live for others every day
21 21 <03:42:04> 352 I’ve Vowed to Be True I’ve voyed to be true to the Saviour I have spoken the word of surrender
22 22 <03:48:34> 353 Mine the Privilege God a body has prepared me Mine the privilege to labour
23 23 <02:00:41> 355 Jesus Lives in Me As I think of my Saviour I will hence forth see k to live for Jesus
24 24 <01:34:42> 356 How Blessed Are the Undefiled How blessed are the undefiled By precious blood made nigh to God
25 25 <03:29:70> 359 So Strange It Seems So strange it seems and wondrous Help me to keep on going
26 26 <01:37:34> 360 I Have Overcome I have overcome the world I will walk in the truth
27 27 <01:33:14> 367 Hold Fast Hold fast thy confidence Hold fast, hold fast to 2what thou hast attained
28 28 <03:35:47> 391 Calvary Lord, we gather round Thy footstool Calvary, Calvary, We remember Calvary
29 29 <01:17:24> 394 Abide in Him Abide in Him, with patience run the race
30 30 <03:20:54> 396 A Little While A little while to bear the cross Our little while will soon be gone
31 31 <02:21:66> 397 Only Remembered Fading away like the stars of the morning Only remembered, only remembered
32 32 <02:33:03> 401 Art Thou Waiting Art thou waiting for the day Lift thy head, the day draws near
33 33 <01:44:45> 402 Lord, Grant My Life Lord, grant my life may be a corn of wheat
34 34 <01:38:03> 404 There Is No Gain There is no gain but by a loss
35 35 <01:41:29> 406 Forget Them Not Forget them not; the faithful band
36 36 <01:48:55> 409 Alone With God When storms of life are round me beating Along with God, the world forbidden