B5121 Table of Contents

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B5121 120
5.5×8.5” coil-bound A Collection of Hymns
Elma Weibe Milton
A collection of 31 hymns and 57 poems written by Elma Wiebe. Includes music notation for all the hymns.

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B5121A is the table of contents for the hymns, B5121B is the table of contents for the poems. They are bound together in one book.

Table of contents for B5121A
Number Hymn Title First line Chorus Author Composer ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
1 We Would See Jesus We would see Jesus Elma Wiebe Felix Mendelssohn
2 A Song for the Day Dear Lord of heav’n and earth grant me I am Thy temple, Lord Elma Wiebe Austrian Folk Melody
3 Thou Art Worthy Thou art worthy For Thou hast redeemed us Elma Wiebe H. H. Booth
4 Who Will Fill the Ranks Who’ll fill the ranks for the Lord of the harvest? Elma Wiebe
5 Blessed Body Blessed body, broken, broken Elma Wiebe
6 How Shall They Hear How shall they hear the blessed gospel story Elma Wiebe
7 Precious Gold Precious gold must have its fiery trial And my life that Thou didst take to Thee Elma Wiebe
8 Thou, Prince of Peace Thou, Prince of Peace Elma Wiebe
9 Teach Me How to Choose Lord Jesus teach me how to choose Lord Jesus, teach me how to choose Elma Wiebe T. F. Westendorf
10 Thine Altar Lord Within Thy presence Thine altar, Lord, doth rest afford Elma Wiebe
11 Not Unto Men I Labour Not unto men I labour My service is unto Thee, to Thee Elma Wiebe J. Bruce Evans
12 From Lips of Babes From lips of babes, Thy perfect praise Elma Wiebe
13 Sow the Word Sweet words of Jesus Sow, sow the word Elma Wiebe I. H. Meredith
14 Near to Thy Heart Blessed Saviour, draw me nearer Elma Wiebe
15 I Stand Bereaved I stand bereaved on the brink of time Life, life, ageless life Elma Wiebe
16 In Every Part In every part the battle rages on Elma Wiebe C. H. Gabriel
17 Be Thou My Teacher Loving the world, He came to His own Be Thou my Teacher Elma Wiebe A. S. Reitz
18 He Giveth Greater I have not left an earthly joy untasted Elma Wiebe
19 First Be Reconciled Humbly we enter His presence Sweetest appeal of love divine Elma Wiebe
20 I Sing of Love I sing of love, I sing of Thee I sing of love, of Thee I sing Elma Wiebe
21 We Have Found Him Ye who trace with weary hearts and sad We have found Him! Elma Wiebe J. R. Sweeney
22 Pray for the Peace of the City Pray for the peace of the city Our God shall help her right early Elma Wiebe
23 Reign Over Me Christ Oh lowly man of Galilee Elma Wiebe
24 Reign Over Me Lord Reign over me, Lord, reign over me Elma Wiebe Carrie Jacobs-Bond
25 Pilot of Galilee Let me abide, whate’er betide As Thou hast lent Thy life to mine Elma Wiebe
26 His Life was Taken From the Earth His life was taken from the earth Elma Wiebe
27 The Light of Men In this world of need and darkness Thou hast light, the light of men Elma Wiebe
28 If We but Knew If we but knew the cost at which He came Elma Wiebe George Coles Stebbins
29 Go Forth, O Blessed Sower Go forth, O, blessed sower Go forth, then, go forth Elma Wiebe
30 A Wedding Prayer O God of love, from heaven condescending Elma Wiebe
31 Love Is the Kingdom’s Banner Love is the Kingdom’s banner Elma Wiebe Dr. Lowell Mason

Table of contents for B5121B
Number Poem Title First line Author ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████ █████████████ ██████████████
1 He Touched Me He touched the nothingness of me Elma Wiebe
2 Bethel In the tent of a pilgrim stranger Elma Wiebe
4 The Widow’s Mite Only a widow’s offering, gladly, freely, given Elma Wiebe
5 Work in Me It is the hardness Elma Wiebe
5 I Will Trust Thee In this thing I will trust Thee, Lord Elma Wiebe
6 Jesus So oft my feet have gone astray Elma Wiebe
7 The Dawning So still and silent comes the dawn Elma Wiebe
8 Heart O’ Mine O, Heart O’ Mine, I would that I might share Elma Wiebe
8 Companionship Some bonds were loosed by the Gospel Elma Wiebe
9 A Sailor’s Greeting Gazing upon life’s sea, my fellow-ship Elma Wiebe
10 Reflection Clearly within the will have God for me Elma Wiebe
11 Thy Thought of Me So kind is all Thy thought of me Elma Wiebe
11 Tomorrow Let me not dream too childishly about the morrow Elma Wiebe
12 The Conscience The conscience is the strongest thing Elma Wiebe
13 Oh Honest Soul Oh, honest soul, where dwellest thou Elma Wiebe
14 Only to Hear Thy Voice Only to hear Thy voice Elma Wiebe
15 Let Me Love Much Let me love much, that much may be forgiven Elma Wiebe
16 Beneath Thy Shadow Oh, let me pitch my tent beneath Thy shadow Elma Wiebe
17 What Seekest Thou My soul, be honest with thyself today! Elma Wiebe
18 Ointment Poured Forth “Therefore do the virgins love Thee,” Elma Wiebe
19 Nature Nature ministered to me Elma Wiebe
20 A Soldier’s Greeting Fear not what thou shalt suffer Elma Wiebe
22 I Envied Once I envied once the little throng Elma Wiebe
24 The Tongue is a Fire I knew a sorrow, hideous to tell Elma Wiebe
27 Why Art Thou Cast Down Why art thou cast down, my spirit? Elma Wiebe
28 Lay Thou Thy Hands Lay Thou Thy holy pierced hands Elma Wiebe
29 Fragments Broken fragments, bits of clay Elma Wiebe
30 Fervour Oh, make my life one pacan swift of praise Elma Wiebe
31 Toll Strong heart and brave, be yours the swift disdain Elma Wiebe
32 A Little More Life is a race I’m running Elma Wiebe
33 My Caravan Where my caravan has rested Elma Wiebe
33 Praise to Thee Praise to Thee! Praise to Thee Elma Wiebe
34 Where Thy Eagles Gather Where Thy eagles gather Elma Wiebe
35 Where the Body Is Where the eagles gather Elma Wiebe
36 The Vine Spoke Thus to Me I am the true, the prunéd Vine Elma Wiebe
38 Except Except He drank the cup Elma Wiebe
40 Before the Lifted Cross Come stand before the lifted cross, my child Elma Wiebe
42 Again, Farewell Go gladly, and serve much Elma Wiebe
43 A Prayer Oh, Lord of Harvests, gathering still Elma Wiebe
44 There is a River Flowing There is a river flowing Elma Wiebe
45 For the New Year I wish you for the new year Elma Wiebe
46 Faith’s Heritage How sweetly there you rest, my dear ones Elma Wiebe
47 Our Esther (Mrs G. Rhea) The day became an altar to a spirit sch as hers Elma Wiebe
48 To an Old Chevy Oh, it is frail, the noble steed Elma Wiebe
49 To Mr. and Mrs. W. Carroll Oh, grudge it not, the miles of swelling ocean Elma Wiebe
50 To Willie Jamieson We see you, brother, as we saw you then Elma Wiebe
51 To Gussie Puckett Dear “little chief,” I pledge again Elma Wiebe
52 To Mrs. W. Carroll Sweet in the treble of a woman’s love Elma Wiebe
53 To Elsie McNair As a young child Elma Wiebe
54 To Hilda Wiebe Hill Death had no sting for you embraced it early Elma Wiebe
55 To Mr. Engle How much we had because he overcame, dear Lord! Elma Wiebe
56 To Dorothy Wood I wished so oft that you would paint for me Elma Wiebe
57 To Our Grecian Brethern Against a weary, war-torn sky Elma Wiebe
58 In Memory of Clem Geue Brother by adoption Elma Wiebe
60 How Kind the Years How kind the years to him who grows Elma Wiebe
61 To Judith Elaine Sweet girl graduate, gay and fair Elma Wiebe
62 To Warren I salute you, Mr. Warnie Elma Wiebe