B6001, B6002 Table of Contents

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B6001 140
5.5x8.5” coil-bound Assorted Songs
A collection of hymns. Includes music notation for all the hymns.
B6002 140
8.5×11” coil-bound Assorted Songs (lg)
Large print version of B6001.

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Table of contents for B6001
AS Page Number Title First line Chorus ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████ █████████████ ██████████████
1 Comfort In all the multitude of thoughts within me
2 All Life’s Way Not just in moments of doubt or sadness I need Thee, Jesus, thro’ every moment
3 America The Beautiful Oh beautiful for spacious skies
4 At The End Of The Road There’ll be light in the sky from the palace on high When the long day is ended the journey is o’er
5 Be Of Good Cheer, It Is I We’ve taken the Lord “as He is” in our ship “Be of good cheer, it is I”
6 Blessed Assurance Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! This is my story, this is my song
7 Crystal Fountain So long of thirst my weary soul did languish Oh, I have found it The Crystal Fountain
8 Dare To Be A Daniel Standing by a purpose true Dare to be Daniel, Dare to stand alone
8 Dona Nobis Pacem Dona nobis pachem, pachem
9 Because He Lives God sent His Son they called Him Jesus Because He lives I can face tomorrow
11 Bring Me Down Low When it is hard to forgive Oh, bring me down low to the depths of the sea!
13 Does Jesus Care? Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Oh yes, He cares; I know He cares
14 Door Of The Harvest The youth stood awed before a door
15 Charity Charity suffers long and envies not
18 Down From His Glory Down from His glory, Ever living story O how I love Him! How I adore Him!
19 Farther Along Tempted and tried, we’re oft made to wonder Farther along we’ll know all about it
20 First Of My First Oh Lord, I bring to Thee today Take the first of my first and the best of my best
21 Gentle Spirit Gentle Spirit, do not leave me
22 He Has Called Us He has called us to battle foes lively and strong With courage keep up the good fight
23 He Tenderly Looked at Me When Jesus alone was standing He tenderly looked at me
24 He Will Hide Me When the storms of life are raging He will hid me, He will hid me
25 God Gave The Increase God’s word so pure and true is planted by a few God gives the increase
27 He’s Everything To Me I can never quite explain How the blessed Saviour came Now He is everything to me
29 God Waiting God in His perfect plan, arranged love for man Our God is waiting still, for those who’ll do His will
31 He Rose Triumphantly O tell the news around, the living Christ is found He rose triumphantly
33 Heavenly Love Heavenly love was all that could help me Heavenly love the love of my Lord
35 One Little Candle One little candle burning bright
41 His People Need Care The Lord does look down in His caring way There’s shepherds and watchmen for you
42 I Have Been Alone With Jesus I have been alone with Jesus with my head upon His breast I’ve been alone with Jesus
43 I Will Love Thee, Lord I will love Thee, Lord, with all my heart Lord, I long to be obedient
44 I Will Not Forget Thee Sweet is the promise - “I will not forget thee” I will not forget thee or leave thee
45 Help My Spirit I am on an unknown journey Now the strength with which I journey
46 If That Isn’t Love He left the splendor of heaven If that isn’t love the ocean is dry
47 Lover Of My Soul I’ve found a Saviour, He loves me so I’’m in love, deeply in love
48 Last Mile Of The Way If I walk in the pathway of duty When I’ve gone the last mile of the way
49 If We Could See Beyond Today If we could see beyond today As God can see
49 God Is Good God is good the heav’ns declare it
50 Is Your All On The Altar? You have longed for sweet peace Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
51 It Took A Miracle My Father is omnipotent It took a miracle to put the stars in place
52 It’s Always Darkest Are you discouraged and are you blue? It’s always darkest before the dawn
53 It’s Real O how well do I remember how I doubted day by day But it’s real, it’s real
54 In Jesus I’ ve tried in vain a thousand ways
55 Just A Day Just a day, just one step at a time, Lord
56 Just A Whispered Prayer Just a whispered prayer Do not travel on in darkness
57 Just Where He Needs Me I heard the voice of Jesus as He waited to come in Just where He needs me
58 Just For Today Just for today, dear Father, we pray Just for today, Just for today
59 Lessons In Nature So many things of God we learn from nature
60 Lord, I Want To Be Jesus fed the multitude that gathered Lord I want to be a miracle
61 Lord Is My Shepherd The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I fear
62 Lord Is My Shepherd The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know
63 Love of God Far beyond all human comprehension Love divine surpasses all that human tongue can tell
65 Master Has Come The Master has come, and He calls us to follow
66 Mansion Over The Hilltop I’m satisfied with just a cottage below I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop
67 Master, The Tempest Master, the tempest is raging! The winds and the waves shall obey My will
69 My God Is Real There are some things I may not know My God is real, real in my soul
71 My Redeemer I will sing of my Redeemer Sing, oh, sing of my Redeemer
72 Nailed To The Cross There was One who was willing to die in my stead They are nailed to the cross
73 Old-Fashioned Meeting O how well I remember in the old-fashioned days Twas an old-fashioned meeting in an old-fashioned place
74 Now I Belong To Jesus Jesus my Lord will love me forever Now I belong to Jesus
75 On The Jericho Road As you travel along on the Jericho road On the Jericho road there’s froom for just two
77 Raise Me, Jesus Raise me, Jesus, to Thy bosom Raise me, Jesus, to Thy bosom
78 Until He Comes Until He comes, His death we’ll show
79 Peace Like A River Peace like a river Flows through my soul Peace like a river so gently is flowing
81 Rock Of Ages Rock of Ages cleft for me
83 Prayer To prayers of a stranger, In darkness and pain
84 Servant’s Prayer Father now mine hour is come
85 So Send I You So send I you — to labor unrewarded As the Father hath sent Me, So send I you
86 Some Clouds And Sunshine It takes some clouds and sunshine
87 Son Of God Stone, for the One so unchanging Because He lives I can face tomorrow
88 Sweet Will Of God My stubborn will at last hath yielded Sweet will have God, will fold me closer
89 Song Of Ruth Wither thou goest I will go
93 Song Of The Ransomed In our responding to the Gospel story O join in song of blest release
95 Surely Goodness And Mercy A pilgrim was I and a wand’ring Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
96 Song Of Trust Dear Lord, Thy will for me is best
97 Sweet Peace Of Heaven Oh, What a precious and wonderful name Jesus came down with peace to fill my soul
99 Sweetest Story I have heard the sweetest story O tell the wondrous story
100 For All My Sin It was His love for me O, what a Saviour is mine!
101 Thou That nearest Prayer Oh, Thou that hearest prayer draw near
102 Prophet, Priest & King I found in Him a Teacher
103 There Is A Fountain Pure There is a fountain pure Thou art the Fountain Head, dear Lord, our Saviour
105 Taps Fading light dims the sight
105 Thy Approval I am Thine and Thy approval, Lord each day is my desire Thy approval is so precious
106 Til The Storm Passes By In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face Til the storm passes over
107 Time Is Bought In the valley, on the mountain Come today, do not delay
108 Unworthy Unworthy am I of the grace that He gave Unworthy, unworthy, a beggar
109 Until Then My heart can sing when I pause to remember But until then my heart will go on singing
110 Down Deep In The Sea My sins have been cast in the depths of the sea Down! Down! Down! Down!
111 What A Day That Will Be There is coming a day when no heartaches shall come What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see
112 With Thy Spirit Fill Me Lord, possess me now, I pray With Thy Spirit fill me
113 Whispering Hope Like the faint dawn of the morning Whispering hope, like the song of the angels
114 When You Pray At the close of the day when you kneel to pray
115 Willing To Take The Cross From His celestial abode Jesus came Willing to take the cross was He
116 Wings Of A Dove When troubles surround us On the wings of a snow white dove
117 Be Still My Soul Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side
118 When Walking In Darkness When walking in darkness, outside the fold Oh, may we be thankful and praise Him more for mercy
119 Yoke Of Jesus In the land of Galilee he Laboured To be united in the yoke with Jesus
120 How Great Thou Art O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee
121 Hidden Blessings When deep distress and sorrow weight upon me
123 Jesus, Thou Lover of Souls Having left all that was princely Jesus Thou lover of souls
124 Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
125 This World Is Not My Home I’’ve left the way of death and sin This world, this world is not my home
126 Beyond The Sunset Beyond the sunset
127 Be Thou Near Me When my heart is filled with sorrow Be Thou near me, O my Saviour
128 Take Up Thy Cross I walked one day along a country road Take up thy cross and follow Me
129 Almost Home Almost home! A few more wild waves roar Home, sweet home
130 Closer Still Saviour draw me to Thy side Draw me closer, Lord, to Thee
131 Man of Sorrows Who is this that cometh from Edom It is Christ the King of glory!
133 In The Garden I come to the garden alone And He walks with me, and He talks with me
134 I’ll Go Where You Want Me It may not be on the mountains hight I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
135 Eternity’s Awakening I stand on the shores of an unknown land Too late! Too late! No strong loving hand