B6020 Table of Contents

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B6020 168
5.5x8.5” coil-bound Current Hymns 2
A collection of mostly new hymns. Includes music notation for all the hymns.

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Table of contents for B6020
Number Title Author Composer ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████ █████████████ ██████████████
1 A Burning Bush Kim Swanson Kim Swanson
2 All of My Life Dale Richardson Dale Richardson
3 A Remnant Sam Dean Deanna Shulman
4 A Song of Zion Karen McCrae Karen McCrae
5 A Tribute Kim Swanson Kim Swanson
6 After I Die John Sterling John Sterling
7 All Through the Night Kim Swanson Kim Swanson
8 All Thy Vessels Must Be Clean Orville C. Agard Orville C. Agard
9 Alone That Night of Sorrow Jana Printz Jana Printz
10 Along Our Journey Murray Egger Murray Egger
11 Chasten Me Dan Nicolaisen Dan Nicolaisen
12 Heavenly Treasure Murray Lewis Murray Lewis
13 An Open Door Ivar Haakonson Ivar Haakonson
14 Another Day is Dawning Judy Tinklepaugh Davison Judy Tinklepaugh Davison
15 As I Pray Laura Erickson Laura Erickson
16 Be Not Afraid Jeanine Canning Jeanine Canning
17 Be Still and Know Scott Price Ancient Plains Song, 13th Century
18 Behold, He Is the Lord Karen McCrae Karen McCrae
19 Bearing Fruit Beverly White Elizabeth Pate
20 Beggar in God’s Palace Jeanine Canning Jeanine Canning
21 Beyond the Cross Dean Bruer Eleanor Kleeb
22 Beyond Tomorrow Heidi Nippert Werk Heidi Nippert Werk
23 Blending in Fellowship F. Hermann Geue F. Hermann Geue
24 Christ Is Coming Back Judy Tinklepaugh Davison Judy Tinklepaugh Davison
25 Blest Are They A.H. A.H.
26 Come, Lord Jesus, Come! Dean Bruer Sam Pflaum
27 Brethren Beloved Don Davidson Don Davidson
28 Called to Rest Lloyd Springer Phillip P. Bliss
29 Cleanse This Temple, Lord Evelyn Dunsby Anon.
30 Did You Put Your Armor On? Ivan Pickering Ivan Pickering
31 Darkness Rich Johnson Sam Pflaum
32 Be Still Sam Dean Sam Pflaum
33 Dear Soul, Faint Not Serge Ahossi William G. Tomer
34 Divine Comfort Charles O’Regan Charles O’Regan
35 Do Not Linger Andrew Marx Mary Lou Marx
36 Draw Near, O Lord Jason Munckton Deanna Shulman
37 Guide Us, Oh Lord Andrew Jacques Andrew Jacques
38 Every Day’s a Journey Jeanine Canning Jeanine Canning
39 Grace Jana Printz Jana Printz
40 Father, My Heartfelt Prayer Connie Surratt W. H. Doane
41 Time Is Ours for Just Today Mary Dean Mary Dean
42 Down from His Throne of Glory Carlton Cox O. C. Agard
43 Fellowship With God Lois Fleming Lois Fleming
44 For Jesus’ and the Gospel’s Sake Wayne van den Dries C. Austin Miles
45 Fount of Wisdom Lana MacDonald Lana MacDonald
46 Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me Stay Barbara Coles Russell Albert L. Peace
47 Fruitfulness Carl Nelson Dale Richardson
48 Give Them to Me John Sterling John Sterling
49 Glorious Dawning Rob Shultz Rob Shultz
50 Go On Kamela LiaBraaten Kamela LiaBraaten
51 Fishers of Men Daniel Newman F. Hermann Geue
52 Go, My Daughter Rex Paddon Celia Paddon Hanson (arr. June Lee)
53 Savior, Leave Me Not Alone Ben McMaine Traditional Folk Song
54 God Gave the Increase Barbara Coles Russell John Sterling
55 God Requires a Living Offering William Weir Dale Richardson
56 Go On Further Anna Pratt Charles J. Butler
57 God in Mercy Sandy Scott Steve Pointer
58 God Is Able Debbie Pryor Debbie Pryor
59 The Extra Mile Gary Protheroe Gary Protheroe
60 God Is Gathering Graeme Wood Meredith Christian Brook
61 God’s Plans Lyndal Schulz Lyndal Schulz
62 God Waiting Willis Propp Juventino Valdez
63 Help Me to Pray Laurie Genik Jack Price
64 Grant Me, Lord, Thy Holy Spirit Loren Quick Harlan Young
65 Grant Unto Me Thy Spirit Dale Maki Duane Shafer
66 Hark to the Trumpet Kim Swanson Duane Shafer
67 Harvest Time Murray Lewis Murray Lewis
68 He Has Called Us Willis Propp J. A. Hultman
69 He Rose Triumphantly Jack Price Wm. J. Kirkpatrick
70 Hearth Fires Isabel Boyd Don Davidson
71 Heavenly Haven Dean Bruer Sam Pflaum
72 Help Me to Be Like Jesus Ivan Pickering Ivan Pickering
73 Help My Spirit Barbara Coles Russell John Sterling
74 Honest Hearts to You Are Crying Sam Jones Steve Pointer
75 How Can I Be Like My Friend Jesus? Margaret Hanson Margaret Hanson
76 How Do I Thank Him? Kamela LiaBraaten Kamela LiaBraaten
77 Humility Amy Keith Amy Keith
78 I Am the Lord Kim Swanson Kim Swanson
79 I Gave My Heart to the Savior Judy Tinklepaugh Davison Judy Tinklepaugh Davison
80 I Believe Dale Richardson Dale Richardson
81 I Have Found Him May Schulz Dale Richardson
82 I Know the Way Jana Printz Mike LeFevre & Jana Printz
83 I Will Endure Jeanine Canning Charles H. Gabriel
84 I Make My Choice to Serve the Lord Lorna Gray Lorna Gray
85 I Will Go Greg Swenson Greg Swenson
86 I’m Content Ben McMaine Ben McMaine
87 Tenderly John Sterling John Sterling
88 I’m Going Home Mabel Reid Smith J. MacAdam
89 I’ve Been Changed Dale Richardson Dale Richardson
90 In His Likeness Sara Dean Lana MacDonald
91 If I’m Found in Heaven Tim Seeber Tim Seeber
92 For Now I Know Dean Bruer Sam Pflaum
93 In the Hour of Triumph Orville C. Agard Orville C. Agard
94 In the Will of God Gladys Porteous Dale Richardson
95 In Times of Our Weakness Jason Munckton Tim Seeber
96 His Voice Karen McCrae Karen McCrae
97 Into Thy Hand Mary Lou Marx Mary Lou Marx
98 Jesus Dan Fox Dan Fox
99 Is It Enough? Debbie Pryor Debbie Pryor
100 Jesus Is the Answer Margaret Hanson Eleanor Sinclair
101 Jesus Is Precious Myrtle Lockhart Tim Seeber
102 Jesus My Guiding Light Debbie Hebert Debbie Hebert
103 Jesus Taught Ray Corbett John Dadmun
104 Jesus Walked Murray MacDonald John Dadmun
105 Jesus, My Beloved Karen McCrae Karen McCrae
106 Keep Us Faithful Lisa Sanderson June Lee
107 Lead Me Through Serge Ahossi W. H. Doane
108 Let God Now Arise Jana Printz Jana Printz
109 My Heart’s Prayer Kari Shepherd Hanks Mrs. E. M. Anderson
110 Let Them Go Jiudy Tinklepaugh Davison Judy Tinklepaugh Davison
111 Let, O Soul, the Sign and Wonder Gerard Teerstegan E. M. T.
112 Lift Mine Eyes Marci Howden Marci Howden
113 Lord, I Want to Be a Miracle Barbara Coles Russell Don Puffalt
114 Love’s Sweet Story Scott Price Lady John Scott
115 Make Me Alice Dunn I. H. Meredith
116 Make Me Willing Heidi Nippert Werk Heidi Nippert Werk
117 Measure the Pattern of Love Hilda Hansen Frederick M. Lehman
118 Miracles Alice Dunn J. M. Whyte
119 Mortal Clay Sam Pflaum Sam Pflaum
120 My Best Friend Sandra Boettcher Sandra Boettcher
121 My Dearest Friend Sam Pflaum Sam Pflaum
122 My Father Understand Sam Pflaum Sam Pflaum
123 My Father’s Help Christian Steppat Christian Steppat
124 My Heavenly Connection Don Davidson Don Davidson
125 My Ways Greg Swenson Greg Swenson
126 My Saviour Cares Lloyd Springer Lloyd Springer
127 My Place to Serve Joanie Thomack Joanie Thomack
128 Never Doubt What God Can Do Lyndal Schulz Lyndal Schulz
129 O Jerusalem Murray Lewis Murray Lewis
130 O Blessed Lord John Martin Dale Richardson
131 O Living God of Timothy Sam Dean Deanna Shulman
132 O Man of Sorrows Judy Tinklepaugh Davison Judy Tinklepaugh Davison
133 Oh, Give Thanks Leilani Price Leilani Price
134 Oh Hope Dan Nicolaisen Traditional Tune (arr D.N.)
135 Open My Eyes Scott Price
136 Oh, Praise the Lord Orva Shreck Orth Warrington
137 Oh, Bless Me Edith Jelinek Sam Pflaum
138 Reality Margaret Lewis Margaret Lewis
139 Oh, For Faith William H. Bothurst Mary Lou Marx
140 Oh, Heavy Laden Jason Munckton Sam Pflaum
141 Oh, Parents, Pray Ralph Bennett Amanda Durocher
142 Oh, Soul of Mine Robert Doecke William Huntley
143 Out of the Darkness Carl Nelson Dale Richardson
144 Peace Herbert DeLyser Tim Seeber
145 Pillars Laura Erickson Laura Erickson
146 Pray for the Youth of the Kingdom Shereen Benjamin Wm. J. Kirkpatrick
147 Precious Hope Bonnie Lysons Bonnie Lysons
148 Prepared to Endure Heidi Nippert Werk Heidi Nippert Werk
149 Reach Out Thy Hand Hal Thompson C. H. Purday
150 Seek the Lord While You May Find Him Sam Jones Steve Pointer
151 Resurrection Hymn Kamela LiaBraaten Kamela LiaBraaten
152 Resurrection Morn Doug Murphy Duane Shafer
153 Sacrifice Lois Fleming Lois Fleming
154 The Struggle of Life Heidi Nippert Werk Heidi Nippert Werk
155 Simple Words of Promise Lana MacDonald Lana MacDonald
156 Story of Jesus Dan Fox Dan Fox
157 Sojourners Herting family American Folk Song
158 Since Christ Reigns King Judith Hisey Judith Hisey
159 Son of God Willis Propp Samuel W. Beazley
160 Stand by Thy Post Anna Pratt Robert Crosbie
161 Song of Mary Lyndal Schulz Lyndal Schulz
162 Precious Seed Jason Munckton Sam Pflaum
163 Sweet Comforter Dan Nicolaisen Dan Nicolaisen
164 Surrender Kim Stork Kim Stork
165 Teach Me How G. F. J. P. Ordway, M.D.
166 The Blind Beggar Dan Fox Dan Fox
167 The Desert Place Salena Nash C. F. Witt
168 Thy Love, Divine Mary Lou Marx Mary Lou Marx
169 The Ear of Faith Lana MacDonald Lana MacDonald
170 The Emblems of Love Tim Seeber Tim Seeber
171 The Faithful One Sam Pflaum Sam Pflaum
172 The Future June Lee June Lee
173 The Gospel Invitation Tim Seeber Tim Seeber
174 The Judge of the Whole Earth Lyndal Schulz Lyndal Schulz
175 The Kingdom of God Keith H. Carter Keith H. Carter
176 The Lion’s Roar Sara Dean Melchior Teschner
177 The Lowest Room Sam Jones Lyndal Schulz
178 The Man of Sorrows arr. Ernest Robinson, Isaiah 53 Dong Jin Kim
179 The Odour of Spikenard Tim Seeber Tim Seeber
180 As I Fall at Jesus’ Feet Mary Lou Marx Mary Lou Marx
181 The Resurrection Kim Swanson Dale Richardson
182 The Risen Christ Dale Richardson C. Hubert H. Parry
183 The Sea Is His Kamela LiaBraaten Kamela LiaBraaten
184 The Saviour Called Kenneth Dissmore Daryl Erickson
185 The Servant’s Prayer Mike LeFevre Mike LeFevre
186 The Well at Bethlehem’s Gate Wayne Hutchison John Sterling
187 The Stone is Gone Kamela LiaBraaten Kamela LiaBraaten
188 Two and Two Laura Erickson Laura Erickson
189 The Work of God Dan Fox Dan Fox
190 Prepare My Heart Gary Protheroe F. C. Maker
191 There’s a Place Ron King Ron King
192 This Future Murray Lewis & John Sterling John Sterling
193 This Is God’s Grace Serge Ahossi Wm. J. Kirkpatrick
194 Thou Art My Portion Murray Lewis Murray Lewis
195 Thou, My Saviour Forever Dale Richardson Dale Richardson
196 Though Your Daylight Dies Away Orville C. Agard Orville C. Agard
197 Thy Living Word Jason Munckton Deanna Shulman
198 Time Is Bought John Sterling John Sterling
199 Trust On Brian Garrett Brian Garrett
200 ’Twas the Love Beyond Mel Lenke Smith Mel Lenke Smith
201 Unbound Rich Johnson Sam Pflaum
202 United Together Andy Kuchn Alan Anderson
203 Until He Comes Again Tim Seeber Tim Seeber
204 Watch Our Words Mary Dean Mary Dean
205 Waiting for the Lord Sam Pflaum Sam Pflaum
206 We Both, Indeed, Were Lost Orville C. Agard Orville C. Agard
207 We Thank Thee, Lord, for Faithful Friends John Girton Scottish Folk Tune (arr. J. Mc W. B.)
208 Weep Not a Tear William Lewis Emmy Nelson
209 Whatsoever More Dean Bruer Sam Pflaum
210 What Noble Thoughts Susan Cobb Lana MacDonald
211 What a Great Mystery! Joel Boyd F. Hermann Geue
212 When I Go, Weep Not for Me Orville C. Agard Orville C. Agard
213 Written in Heaven Rich Johnson Richard S. Newman
214 When I Look Back Heidi Nippert Werk Heidi Nippert Werk
215 Wings Like an Eagle Murray Lewis Murray Lewis
216 Who Will Go? Karen McCrae Irish Air
217 Why Are My Hands so Tied? Orin Taylor Joan Dickens Crane
218 When I Say I Trust Thee Jeanine Canning Jeanine Canning
219 You Lift Our Hearts Mary Lou Marx Mary Lou Marx
220 Yes, We Have Known E. M. T. C. Harris