HA1802 Table of Contents

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Item # CDs Name
HA1802 1 assorted hymns
Mark McGee, Steve Pierson
Piano and vocals, some cello. Selections from 1987 edition “Hymns Old and New.

 no cover image

Play sample: Download sample HA1802.mp3

Vocals and piano by Mark McGee; cello by Steve Pierson
from a borrowed tape
Recorded in San Jose at the Waite residence, before Steve left for West Africa.

Table of contents for HA1802
Total Length: <28:52:17>
Collection Track Track Length HON 1987 number Title ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████ █████████████
1 1 <03:31:49> 3 Tell Me Again
2 2 <02:21:37> 98 Let Us Pause
3 3 <02:08:39> 28 Come, Let Us Follow Jesus
4 4 <01:49:60> HON 1951 82 Christ For Me
5 5 <04:10:15> 83 In This World of Woe
6 6 <02:58:15> 306 He Waits For Thee
7 7 <02:44:66> 245 Songs of Zion
8 8 <02:37:40> 269 He Hath Blessed Us
9 9 <02:35:32> 92 God Is Longing
10 10 <02:13:23> 94 Come, Ye Weary Ones
11 11 <01:39:16> 340 Let Not My Soul