BDR0105, BR0101, BR0102, BR0104, RA0101, RM0101 Table of Contents

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Item pages
format Name
BDR0105 490
e-books on a CD-ROM KWVR books on CD-ROM
BR0101, BR0102, and BR0104 on CD
BR0101 106
8.5×11” coil-bound KWVR 10pt transcription
Transcriptions of all 5 reunion sessions.
BR0102 246
8.5×11” coil-bound KWVR 16pt transcription
Transcriptions of all 5 reunion sessions.
BR0104 138
8.5×11” coil-bound KWVR biography book
A collection of biographies of the Korean Veterans resulting from the 2006 Reunion.
Item # CDs Name
RA0101 12 2006 Korean War Veterans Reunion
Korean Veterans
Recordings of all 5 reunion sessions.
RM0101 2 mp3 2006 Korean War Veterans Reunion
Korean Veterans
Recordings of all 5 reunion sessions.

 no cover image

Play sample: Download sample RA0101.mp3

Here is a web page specific to the KWVR reunion, with more information about the books. It refers back to this page for a detailed Table of Contents of the recorded sessions.
These are the recordings and transcriptions of the Korean War Veterans Reunion held in Mesquite NV from March 22 through March 26, 2006.
The 8-digit numbers in the title are dates, in the form year, month, day YYYYMMDD
The two sessions of one day are identified as “am” or “pm.
The 2 digit numbers are just sequence numbers, to keep the files in the right order
A few titles include the type of remarks being recorded. If the type of remarks is not included, then it is a “war story, the meat of the reunion.
In the Track number, the letters indicate the beginning of each individual CD.
As most of you that attended the reunion know, there were a number of technical difficulties encountered with the PA system. Fortunately, most of them did not affect the recording of the sessions. I fumbled and didn’t save Pat Rudolph’s little story of Ron’s glasses on the raft trip. And for the same reason, I missed a couple lines of Lloyd Bone’s poem, but he was kind enough to re-record those lines for me and I spliced them in. However, on Saturday morning, some of Bob Farring’s introductory remarks, and approximately half of Paul Uhm’s very interesting talk about the early days in Korea were not recorded.
Oh, and Pat is kind too. But I didn’t ask her to re-record her story, because I’d missed it all, and wouldn’t have be able to re-record it with the peals of laughter interspersed. Maybe I should have saved this comment for the next reunion.
Transcriptions of these audio recordings are also available.
Digitally recorded to hard disk using an M-Audio Mobile Pre to convert the analog microphone signal to digital.

Table of contents for RA0101A
Total Length: <68:53:54>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
1 1 <03:59:42> Wayne Ramey 20060323 am 01 intro Introduction to the reunion
2 2 <04:51:06> Bob Craig 20060323 am 02 membook Describes the veterans biographies memory book
3 3 <12:13:24> Harlan Accola 20060323 am 03 picture book Describes the picture book, and the group picture schedule
4 4 <03:35:20> Wayne Ramey 20060323 am 04 intro Introduction to reunion planners
5 5 <08:12:36> Carolyn Dunnett 20060323 am 05 Experiences of Grace Pryor, the first professing resident of Korea
6 6 <12:56:24> Paul Fulk 20060323 am 06 You’ll be on the front lines as a medic in 3 days... I think maybe Someone was protecting me.
7 7 <19:11:64> Carl Linderman 20060323 am 07 Other GIs didn’t understand how we could go anywhere and have friends. The heroes of the war were those friends that supported us (professing Gis) at all the camps. Don’t forget the workers that came to this country over a hundred years ago.
8 8 <03:51:63> George Whitefield 20060323 am 08 “I have been persuaded”

Table of contents for RA0101B
Total Length: <51:51:07>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
9 1 <11:32:58> Chuck Lothspeich 20060323 am 09 [WWII] “If you’ll get me back home, I’ll do what’s right, and “We all have a song”
10 2 <06:25:42> Paul Rowland 20060323 am 10 Thanks to Wayne & Walt for organizing the reunion when I couldn’t
11 3 <09:10:33> Raymond Bruer 20060323 am 11 Miracles, medical and spiritual. Keep my page in God’s book of life clean.
12 4 <11:31:42> Don Brawdy 20060323 am 12 What’s a GI party? Where do you bounce a quarter? Keeping our vows
13 5 <13:08:57> Rose Farring 20060323 am 13 Did your draft notice make you give thanks for those in authority? The Lord has allowed them to be there and we love the Lord who is reigning above all

Table of contents for RA0101C
Total Length: <61:44:07>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
14 1 <38:14:50> Gordon Winkler 20060323 am 14 Loved the Orient from childhood. God wants people in the work that can’t go in the work. Blessed be the sorrows and kind the storms, that lead us near to God. Having received help of God I continue until this time.
15 2 <02:26:32> Wayne Ramey 20060323 am 15 closing remarks Several cancellations due to illness. The bungalow will be open.
16 3 <03:28:60> Ron Rudolph 20060323 pm 01 intro Korean Service Medal. Grace for supper.
17 4 <00:22:24> Ron Rudolph 20060323 pm 02 intro The MC must be intimidated into service.
18 5 <06:40:24> Lloyd, Esther Bone 20060323 pm 03 Poem titled “Mesquite. Esther returns Pass to Wayne after 53 years.
19 6 <10:29:42> Ron Rudolph 20060323 pm 04 KW summary The Korean War, referred to as the “forgotten war, was one of the most destructive wars of the 20th century.

Table of contents for RA0101D
Total Length: <66:36:10>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
20 1 <17:52:25> Ed, Leah Bolt 20060323 pm 05 CO Guard duty. Who’re the guerillas? Warmed over Psalms. I know that my Redeemer lives.
21 2 <09:28:06> TC Morris 20060323 pm 06 Korea to be the springboard for the Gospel.
22 3 <13:23:32> Ken Lehrman 20060323 pm 07 I carried a little Bible my mother gave me in my breast pocket all the way through my army service. She marked Isaiah 26:3.
23 4 <16:24:46> Marvin, Julie Grotte 20060323 pm 08 In Korea, I wasn’t real close to any friends so I had to get up on the mountainside and read my Bible and I loved to sing and so I sang hymns, so I was my own Sunday morning meeting. Julie: It’s all right to be considered dead, dead to the things of this world and alive and awake to God.
24 5 <09:25:51> Don Davidson 20060323 pm 09 With Dad having been in Korea, both in the war and in the work, Korea has been an influence upon my life.

Table of contents for RA0101E
Total Length: <64:48:22>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
25 1 <53:37:69> Paul Boyd 20060323 pm 10 Your goal is to preserve your life - watch the one on the right and on the left, both in a war and spiritual war. If they get hurt, you could get hurt. Enemy wants to cause division, so we don’t work together. � Is it beyond your imagination, that some day people will read the history of our generation and read that we rose to the occasion and grasped the privileges that God has planned and arranged for us?
26 2 <11:08:28> Walt, Lorene Smith 20060324 am 01 intro Fifty-five years of marriage doesn’t seem very long.

Table of contents for RA0101F
Total Length: <72:16:49>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
27 1 <15:57:30> Lyle Davidson 20060324 am 02 The stories I love are the stories about the people in Korea. I love them. / I’d like for my testimony, to be faithful, to death.
28 2 <09:41:36> Lloyd Smith 20060324 am 03 I don’t know what would be the most outstanding to me, most of it was the kindness and fellowship of the friends, meeting the friends and the workers, the Philippines, the workers in Ft. Sam, anyway, I just think the Lord has a plan.
29 3 <11:22:14> Jim, Eileen Hammett 20060324 am 04 When the mortars were coming in, I had this feeling that God was talking to me. Yet I was not a religious man... What’s wrong with you, Jim?
30 4 <20:38:51> Charles, Dorothy Wilson 20060324 am 05 Wilson, how come you are not on radio watch? ... that could have been me. I got on my knees and thanked God for his mercy that I didn’t deserve. Dorothy: I can’t even explain it to them, but they know I am happy.
31 5 <09:57:15> Ben Farmer 20060324 am 06 We went over to Gordon Kaas’s tent and we had fellowship meetings which meant a lot to me. Those things really made good experiences and caused me to have a deeper faith and hope in God.
32 6 <04:37:53> Bob Liebrand 20060324 am 07 I drove an ambulance from the field hospital back to the staging area as close to the front lines as we could get. I remember this one night when I went out and picked up two wounded soldiers to bring them back to the hospital.

Table of contents for RA0101G
Total Length: <77:42:11>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
33 1 <07:27:69> Carl Simmons 20060324 am 08 Is this where I’m going? Isolation. “Today” and “in that day.
34 2 <10:23:66> Arnold, Arlene Lyon 20060324 am 09 Separation was difficult on those left behind, especially those with children.
35 3 <05:51:17> James Nelson 20060324 am 10 You’d better go to those meetings. You’ll hear something you’ve never heard before from a pulpit.
36 4 <10:52:47> Charles Lewis 20060324 am 11 A little red hymn book was the catalyst that brought me, and Virgil Grillo together.
37 5 <07:12:00> Melvin, Beverly Behrend 20060324 am 12 My Japanese girlfriend. Obedience at home good training for the army. Beverly: These gatherings are very precious and it just makes the bond of love in God’s way sweeter and sweeter.
38 6 <07:06:51> Lloyd Wirtjes 20060324 am 13 Doug was very inspirational in helping me get to meetings. I played hymns on the chapel organ. Paul and Don had gospel meetings there.
39 7 <14:42:23> Wilfred Goecke 20060324 am 14 I refuse to think negatively, I don’t have time. We are scheduled for another reunion. ABIDE. A peace that passes all understanding will grip your heart and mind and it will keep you in every experience.
40 8 <14:03:38> Harry Henninger 20060324 am 15 Twin brother MIA, possibly being found. I was glad for a God-given conscience that kept me. Setbacks help us understand our need of God. It was an inspiration to see Don diligently having his Korean lessons, anticipating for all those five years, the day that they would return.

Table of contents for RA0101H
Total Length: <73:41:39>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
41 1 <07:18:42> Harlan Accola 20060324 am 16 closing announcements Pictures... appreciate the example of long marriages.
42 2 <06:02:03> various 20060324 pm 01 announcements Memory book, web site, tour of Zion, Mel Davison
43 3 <07:49:51> Don Egge 20060324 pm 02 intro 1AO explained. How did the war affect your spiritual life?
44 4 <04:05:64> Carol Marvin 20060324 pm 0 Don’t ever underestimate your silent testimony!
45 5 <01:57:62> Claire Egge 20060324 pm 04 “Edify one another” and also, “Hold fast that which is good.”
46 6 <06:19:42> John, Ernestine McCracken 20060324 pm 05 Big gospel meetings. “I heard more than English!. We’ll have time someday.
47 7 <06:53:60> Don, Sandy Schoel 20060324 pm 06 So the message to me was missed opportunities. But I learned a lesson and my faith was deepened, and my understanding of Truth was deepened and I appreciated that experience.
48 8 <06:30:18> Tom Willbur 20060324 pm 07 “The war was absolutely necessary, for the salvation of that country”
49 9 <09:00:27> Jack, Donna Taylor 20060324 pm 08 Texas the mother-in-law of the nation. Couldn’t compete with the soldiers for the local girls, but glad for the positive influence. Pray for our enemies.
50 10 <11:08:66> Lloyd, Lorraine Jacobson 20060324 pm 09 You know those things just prompted me to pray. And I saw those Korean people and that they had a soul.
51 11 <06:32:54> Lyle, Elaine Smith 20060324 pm 10 When I left Korea, I wanted to just forget it and put it behind me because I didn’t understand why there was so much waste, so much sorrow. But the Gospel came there! Elaine: Sometimes we go through dark experiences, but the prospects still are fair ahead.

Table of contents for RA0101I
Total Length: <68:26:49>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
52 1 <10:24:18> Don Egge 20060324 pm 11 The Korean people are not all in Korea.
53 2 <19:33:22> Ann Bailor 20060324 pm 12 I feel that He has had to do a whole lot of work to try to keep me in tune so that He can use me with the work that He wants to do.
54 3 <03:35:30> Don Egge 20060324 pm 13 I don’t know why I did it, but I knew it was important.
55 4 <34:51:54> Merlin Howlett 20060324 pm 14 It has made me understand how sensitive we need to try to keep to the prompting of the Spirit because it is only God that knows the future.

Table of contents for RA0101J
Total Length: <58:05:36>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
56 1 <00:32:09> Glenn Linderman 20060325 am 00 apology Sorry, missed half of Paul Uhm’s talk.
57 2 <00:38:11> Bob Farring 20060325 am 01 intro Close association with Korean friends near D.C.
58 3 <14:42:54> Paul Uhm 20060325 am 02 Parents were pioneers in Chinhae. Merlin named sister Anne, who was saved by penicillin and Gerber baby food
59 4 <37:43:12> Myong-Ku, Mi Ryung Ahn 20060325 am 03 Mi Ryung: It was not my black-and-white day... God has always laboured human lives to win. Myong-Ku: I don’t know why I wasn’t dead. 2 Communist encounters. I cannot wait--this is the time.
60 5 <04:27:25> Lowell Rohs 20060325 am 04 Now I have some peace and comfort about the War--it was worth it.

Table of contents for RA0101K
Total Length: <53:43:49>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
61 1 <26:04:15> He, Sun Wha Hong 20060325 am 05 That’s a smoke screen. 7 years, he invited me to gospel meetings. Buy the truth, and sell it not. Kee-won’s mother: There’s more to it than the written word.
62 2 <09:42:43> Sal, Sang Chong 20060325 am 06 They speak Korean better, but I love kimchi more. Thankful for the heartfelt prayers. The best is yet to come.
63 3 <17:54:66> Sehee, Seung Ju Ryu 20060325 am 07 Her belief was stronger than mine. Everybody has a miracle that God worked in each of us and I’m thankful for that. Seung Ju: I thought I found Truth a few times, but instead it was kind people in a particular church, because soon I found that there was no light that I could feel.

Table of contents for RA0101L
Total Length: <61:41:56>
Collection Track Track Length Performer Title Abstract ██ ███ ████ █████ ██████ ███████ ████████ █████████ ██████████ ███████████ ████████████
64 1 <15:52:00> Doug, Clarice Grant 20060325 am 08 It was good that the Korean War started for me because it brought a realization to me that I was not saved, I had no peace in my soul. Experiences in Germany during that time.
65 2 <31:37:69> Bob, Doris Craig 20060325 am 09 It cost him 25 cents, it cost me two years in the Marine Corps. I just have to say that this one girl that’s very important to me and turned the tide for my salvation was little twelve year old Sally Alexander.
66 3 <04:31:41> Harlan Accola 20060325 am 10 pic announcement Pictures, times and places.
67 4 <09:38:21> Wayne Ramey 20060325 am 11 closing remarks We’ve seen the Lord high and lifted up. Our National Anthem. Wonderful time, wonderful food, wonderful service.