KWVR audio recordings

Welcome to the KWVR -- Korean War Veterans Reunion 2006 -- web site.

This page is for information regarding the Korean War Veterans Reunion held on March 22 through March 26, 2006, in Mesquite NV.

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Contact Glenn Linderman
Status Complete and available.
Information 12 audio CDs, or 2 mp3 CDs are required to hold all the recordings. They are not divided exactly into session boundaries at CD boundaries, as that would take more CDs. A complete table of contents is available here. R101 is the audio CDs, R102 is the mp3 CDs.

A description of CD formats is available here. If you don't know what mp3 CDs are, and expect to listen to the CDs on your standard boombox or car CD player, you probably need audio CDs. All Windows computers with sound systems should be able to play mp3 CDs. WalMart sells a variety of CD-playing boomboxes from $20 and up; for $35, you can get one that plays MP3 CDs, and cassettes, also. If you think you want tapes, consider buying a new boombox instead.

If you get a defective or broken CD, let me know.
Purchase Contact me for pricing if you wish to order multiple items at the same time. Shipping can be combined for lower costs.

By check or PayPal Either the 12 audio CDs or the 2 mp3 CDs are available.
Contact me for current pricing.
Send checks to:

Glenn Linderman
PO Box 2217
Gardnerville NV 89410-2217

If you include your email address with your check, I'll let you know when your order ships.
Buy something else. Be sure to explain what! This could be some combination of KWVR books, KWVR audio and mp3 CDs, or any other CDs from my collection. If you have questions, contact me.
Availability These should be available as long as I'm around to make them, or other people could make copies also.